about us

We discovered our shared enthusiasm for participatory research during a citizen science project conducted in 2020 and 2021. Since then, we have been engaged in research and practice in the fields of citizen science and science communication and active in various citizen science networks such as Bürger schaffen Wissen and the European Citizen Science Association. Our special focus lies on the recognition of citizen scientists which we consider to be an integral component of citizen science and science communication.

In 2023, we combined our diverse and complementary expertise and skills to establish SCI:MOVE, a consulting agency for citizen science and science communication.

Since 2024, Dr. Nadja Wilker has enriched our team as a research fellow, bringing her expertise in participatory research, science communication, and public engagement.

OUR Team


SCI:MOVE boasts an experienced team of experts who can support you in each stage of your research project from the conceptual phase to the planning, implementation and evaluation of your project. We offer workshops and trainings to organizations and citizens to teach them how to conduct their own citizen science projects and science communication formats. SCI: MOVE would like to develop projects with you that have a positive impact on society. 

our goals


It is our goal to build a bridge between science and the public and foster collaboration between citizens and scientists. We encourage organizations to actively engage citizens in scientific projects and together address the challenges of our time. 

our Vision

In the realm of science, time never stands still. New developments and discoveries are constantly being made. At SCI:MOVE, we believe it is crucial to involve citizens in this process and allow them to contribute their knowledge and expertise to science. 

SCI:MOVE - Science on the Move

Email:    [email protected]